Monday 6 January 2014

Montacute House - Lucy Jago|Review

For the first forty or so pages I wasn't impressed by this book and was close to giving up but I stuck to my "don't give up until fifty pages" rule and I'm ever so glad I did. Our main character ,Cess (Cecily), is the village outcast she is a bastard child and she is best friends with the other village outcast, William, who has a clubbed foot. I liked Cecily, she was a strong female protagonist working as a poultry girl. One thing that did annoy me however was that at the beginning of the book it said she had brown hair were as the girl on the cover is blonde. I have to admit I wasn't a fan of William. He seemed very, cheesy yet rude and ungrateful at the same time. I did like Jasper- a character Cess met along the way- and I ship him and Cess! I think this book would defiantly appeal to fans of Mary Hooper like myself. Like Hooper's work it is an exiting story but at the same time great for learning about the time period. It's a wonderful tale of friendship, courage and witchcraft with some very exiting plot twists! (I LOVE PLOT TWISTS) I loved that the creepy characters creeped me out and that I had a soft spot for the lovable characters. I loved that the story was so gripping I read it until late at night. Most of all I loved the cover ('Tis so pretty!). In conclusion I thought that Montacute House was enjoyable and I gave it 4/5 stars. Love Always, Freya
Montacute House

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