Sunday, 13 April 2014

Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs|Book Review

 Title: Forgive My Fins
Series: Fins
Genre: Fantasy
My Star Rating:
Seventeen-year-old Lily, half-mermaid and half-human, has been living on land and attending high school, where she develops a crush on a boy but is afraid to tell him of her true destiny as the ruler of the undersea kingdom of Thalassinia.

I had been tempted to buy this book, literally for years a) because of the pretty cover and b) because the idea of mermaids has always interested me but I've never really given my self the opportunity to explore the genre.
When I finally decided to buy it I did have this nagging fear that I would be disappointed after all this time, thus ending the fantasy. I did however have reason to believe that I might not like it. From what I had heard the book was a mermaid romance and after watching the occasional mermaid film (okay I've seen aquamarine like five times!) I gathered that mermaids were pretty serious when it came to love, the problem being that I'm not big on romance.
It was more than just a romance though, Forgive My Fins was a lovely story about a young girl dealing with all sorts of problems and having to make some difficult decisions and on top of that she has royal mermaidley duties to fulfil. 
It's the kind of book I read for fun rather than a really intense read that I fangirl over. There where lots of really likeable characters that we got to know quite well and that really developed through out the story.
The world was really interesting and well thought out and I would love to go into it even deeper in the next two books. One thing I did think was a bit odd was that the mermaids in this book practically ate nothing but fish. A mermaid eating fish is like a centaur eating a horse. Also the reactions people offered when Lily told them she was a mermaid weren't entirely believable as they kind of just shrugged and were like "seems legit". I would recommend this to those who like a nice romance or who are particularly interested in mermaids. 
Love Always,

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