Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Nominated For Liebster Award!

I was nominated by the lovely Chloe from Epitome of Words for a Liebster Award! It was a lovely surprise to be nominated so thank you so much Chloe!

Now I can nominate another eleven blogs that I enjoy reading. I can also ask those eleven bloggers eleven questions of my choosing.

Here are the rules:
  • You must answer all questions that are given to you
  • Must link back to the person that nominated you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  • Provide nominees with 11 questions of your choice
  • Cannot nominate the person who nominated you
  • Must inform nominees of your nomination
  • Provide nominees with a link to your post for more info
    Here are my answers to Chloe's questions:

    1. Do you like to write, and if so, would you ever consider writing a novel?
    I love writing! Experiencing an author's world is amazing but creating and experiencing your own is even better. I have written plenty of short stories and fan fiction and I'm currently planning my first novel. Although publishing a novel is the dream I'm also seriously considering getting into the film industry and maybe writing a screen play.

    2. Who is your favourite author and why?
    I always would say it was JK Rowling but besides Harry Potter I haven't actually read any of her other books (I had a go at The Casual Vacancy but it wasn't my sort of book) so recently I've been reconsidering. Although I have only read the one book, so far, I think it could be George RR Martin. Mr Martin's writing is amazing and every so often I just stop and think about how beautiful the words I just read were. His complex world is amazing and it's easy to forget that just one man and his pet turtles invited this incredible world.

    3. Any weird reading habits?
    I like to have my feet covered whilst I read, even if it's a really hot day I'll put a pillow or a cat over my feet (although the cat usually sits there voluntarily). I can't really explain why.

    4. Why did you start your blog? What inspired you?
    I actually had a blog before this one, it was originally supposed to be a beauty blog but I didn't wear make-up so it didn't work out to well. In the end it mostly consisted of school trips and days out I'd been on recently which got pretty boring after a while. I then discovered that book review blogs existed and that was probably more my forte.

    5. What can you be found doing on days when you just hang around the house?
    This is most days. I am a big TV binge watcher so I'll usually be watching an entire series of Teen Wolf, Merlin or Game of Thrones (Doctor Who is a night time show). If I'm in a really good mood I might do some fandom crafts (currently working on a Percy Jackson clay bead necklace) and in the evening I sometimes find my self in a baking mood.

    6. Who is your inspiration, or someone you look up to?
    Since I was little I have always admired my older brother and when I was very young I'd try speak and act the way he did. I wouldn't say me and him were that close but we never argue like most brothers and sisters, probably because of the three year age gap.

    7. What are some things you hate? Why?
    Porridge! I'm almost sick at the slightest smell of porridge. I also hate romance books, I like action books with romance in it but I just don't enjoy a book purley focused on what is usually a very predictable relationship. If you like romance I won't give you hate from it. I just love that people read so it's pretty unimportant to me what you read.

    8. What are some personality traits of yours that you like? Why?
    To be honest I'm mostly very cynical and pretty sarcastic. I do, however, consider myself to be quite loyal. Not just with friends but I'd hate to go to a different Chinese take-away on a Friday. The people there know me, they're very nice because of it and they're daughter waves at me when I see her in Morrison’s.

    9. If you had one superpower what would it be and why?
    Copy and paste power! I should clarify the copy and paste power doesn't only work with text and pictures, for example I'm at a friends house and I think the design of her kitchen looks nice all I have to do is activate my copy and paste power and I could have the very same kitchen at home.

    10. What would you do with a million dollars?
    Firstly I'd convert it into pounds so I could spend it in this country. I think I'd start a business or maybe put it towards making my own TV show.

    11. If your life was a reality show, what would it be about?
    The internet life. It would be all about blogging, being a YouTuber and the “dark side” of tumblr where hipster posts are very much frowned upon.
    I nomiate:
    2. Ayla and Juliet Living In Our Own Story 
    4. Danielle Consuming Worlds
    6. Vanya YA Story Teller
    11. Lea YA Book Queen

    So sorry if I got any names wrong!

    My Eleven Questions:
    1. In Harry Potter books by JK Rowling in order to cast a patronus charm you have to think of a happy memory. What is the happiest memory you can think of?
    2. What would be your weapon of choice?
    3. Going back to Harry Potter their is a magical creature called a boggart. When you see the boggart it takes the form of the thing you fear the most. What would the boggart look like to you? why?
    4. Are there any genres of book that you usually stray away from? what are they?
    5. If your favourite book could be adapted into anything (film, graphic novel, TV show, musical etc.) what would it be and why?
    6. Dream cast for a book you love?
    7. Are there certain places you like to read?
    8. What are your main hobbies?
    9. Hobbies you don't have but are dying to try?
    10. Which magical creature would you want as a pet? Why?
    11. Would you rather travel in space or in time?