Genre: Dystopia
My Star Rating: ★★★★★
Sixteen year old Tris is forced to make a choice. In a divided society where everyone must conform, Tris does not fit.
So she ventures out alone, determined to discover where she truly belongs. Shocked by her brutal new life, Tris can trust no one. And yet she is drawn to a boy who seems to both threaten and protect her.
The hardest choice lies ahead.
Love Always,
P.S have you already read Divergent and want to know about my favourite parts? Then watch this video!
I really loved that from the very first page you had a fairly clear idea of the world and what all the factions were about. It even explained what life was like in the abnegation faction. It also explains the choosing ceremony.
Every sixteen year old has to take an aptitude test which will tell them which faction they suit best but Tris's test is inconclusive and she is a cross between three factions, they call it divergent.
She has to make the difficult decision of choosing which faction to join, whether to stay with her family or leave them forever.
Divergent was very fast paced and it is the kind of book you have to convince yourself to put down and go to sleep. I read it in two days!
It is one of those stories where you feel like you are still in the world when you've put it down for a bit and you feel dauntless!
It was cleverly written as you could see hints of all the factions she was a cross between as well as the one she'd chosen to join.
My favourite characters were Will, Christina and Uriah (who they've cut out of the film) I also really loved Caleb, Tris's brother.
I thought the character development was amazing and you really noticed Tris get more and more grown up and much braver. Favourite book of the year!!
Love Always,