Series: The Tomorrow Series
Genre: War
My Star Rating: ★★★★☆
Blurb: Ellie and her friends leave home one morning, wave goodbye to their parents and head to the hills to camp out. Returning home a week later, they find everything changed.
Their Homes Destroyed
Their Families Taken
Their Country Invaded
I thought that Tomorrow When the War Began was written in quite an interesting way. Our protagonist, Ellie, is writing this after it all happened so she keeps looking back and saying.
"These things seem silly now." etc. I feel this would have been stranger to a different reader as I had already seen the film so (like Ellie) I already knew what had happened.
I felt like in the film Kevin was portrayed as annoying and that character who wouldn't accept what they were saying and wanted to bring things that weren't necessities but in the book I really liked his character. Sometimes he did find things difficult to accept but he was a strong character that wasn't disliked.
I loved that each character had their own unique personalities: Robyn- the devout Christian, clever caring one; Lee- the keeps-him-self-to-him-self musical one; Homer- the boyish, adventurous and outdoorsy one and Fi- the delicate beautiful princess (but she wasn't snobbish). Fi was my favourite character because I thought she was really cute and funny.
There were romantic elements to the story for those of you who love love!
I was reading Tomorrow When the War Began at school one day and the boy sitting next to me got bored and read the blurb. He was so exited by the story that he made all of his friends read the blurb and then he later went to find it in the library. He seems to be enjoying it and I'm sure you will too!
Love Always,