Monday, 26 August 2013

Did I succeeded in Bout of Books 8.0?

So, I have just done some final calculations for Bout of Books so this is how many pages I read each day.
Day 1: 106
Day 2: 94
Day 3: 97
Day 4: 197
Day 5: 0
Day 6: 106
Day 7: 166
In total I read 766 pages
On average per day that is 109.4285714...
So I accomplished my goal and I am very pleased how did everyone elsee do?
Love Always,

Bout of Books Days 6&7

This is my last Bout of Books UPDATE post I will tell you my averages later! So on Saturday I read 106 pages of City of Fallen Angels and on Sunday I read 112 pages of that same book finishing it, I then read 64 pages of Clockwork Prince making that day's total 166 pages.
Love Always,

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Bout of Books Days 4&5

On Thursday (day 4) I read 197 pages of City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare which makes up for on Friday (day 5) not doing any reading at all because I went to the see City of Bones and then my friends slept at my house. Today (day 6) I'm trying to read as much as possible so I can make my page average nice and high and finish City of Fallen Angels!
Love Always,

Thursday, 22 August 2013

My Book Roadtrip

So for this challenge you had to chose some places you wanted to go to band find some books that would take you there.
Russia- The Wolf Princess
Japan- Deathnote
Manhattan- City of Bones
Switzerland- Tender is The Night
Rio- Breaking Dawn (although they're only there for a few pages)
So that was the places I would like to go and the books that have/could take me there
Love Always,

Bout of Books Days 2&3

I have changed my goal of 150 pages per day to 100 pages because this week is a busy one for me so I don't have massive amounts of time for reading. On Tuesday I read 94 pages of Alice and on Wednesday I read 97 of City of Fallen Angels. I am putting off reading Alice for a while because... Cassandra Clare!
Love Always,

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bout of Books Day 1

So I'm trying to read an average of 150 pages per day and yesterday I read 106. So I'm a bit behind. I have been reading the last few chapters of Clockwork Angel and I finished! I'm moving onto Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Love Always,

Bout of Books Day 2 Challenge- Rename It!

I'm renaming "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll
Rename- "Alice Meets The Weirdos"
Love Always,

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

I'm participating in Bout of Books!

Hi Guys!
It's not long until Bout of Book 8.0 begins and this time I will be participating! I have never done this one before so it will be very exiting. I will make a later post telling you about my TBR and goals.
Love Always,

Monday, 12 August 2013

Paper Aeroplanes Review

Paper Aeroplanes by Dawn O'Porter.
This book was lent to me by a friend and I'm so happy she did I read it in a day and I was gripped through out. It follows the lives of two girls, Renee and Flo. It was girly yet, not the whole boys and make-up obsessed kind of girly. It was about friendship and growing up, finding your-self. I loved reading as such an unlikely friendship grew and turned into something, and it was truthful the girls had there unsorted family issues and there worries. It was quite a mature story with some sexual content so I wouldn't give it to your little sister. When you were reading the scenes about Flo and Renee hanging out after school you felt the urge to send a paper aeroplane to your friend saying "chips after school?" The characters were all great and I gave it four out of five stars. I didn't give it five because it could have been written better.