Friday, 1 November 2013

October Wrap Up!

This month I read a total of six books! The last three I read in about four days which I think is very impressive. So here is what I read this month and star ratings will be at the bottom.
see review!

see (spoilery) review!

see review!

review to come!

Endless: 4/5 stars Clockwork Princess: 5/5 stars More Than This: 4/5 stars
Withering Tights:  5/5 stars A Midsummer Tights Dream: 4/5 stars The Taming Of The Tights: 4/5 stars
Love Always,

Monday, 28 October 2013

More Than This- Patrick Ness Review

The only other Patrick Ness book I had read before this was A Monster Calls which was of course very different to his other books so I didn't know what to expect from More Than This. The book starts off and no-one really knows what's going on (including our main character, Seth) and for the entire first act he was on his own and trying to figure out where he is. So Seth is from England and he moved to America about eight years ago. So he figures out that this strange place he's woke up in is England and the house he was drawn to was his old one. He goes into his old house and everything is still there including everything that came with them to America. The cupboards and supermarkets are full of mouldy foods and there is no electricity anywhere. So I found this part to be particularly exciting I was buzzing to find out what an earth was going on. I always felt for Seth through out the book but I often found him to be a bit naïve. I thought the vivid dreams he had from his life before the drowning incident where a really clever way of keeping it (how would you say?) not dull. Without the dreams I probably would have gotten bored of himat looking around the house, eating tinned soup and every so often going into the garden for a pee. NOW FOR SPOILERS!! So when Seth was running along (as you do) and he saw the black van I jumped a bit because by this point I (the reader) was completely convinced he was alone in what Seth was calling “hell”. Then he met Regine and Tomasz and some questions were answered! In the dream Seth had when he was with Gudmund and it was revealed to us that Seth was in fact gay my reaction was “oh” I just don't see these thing coming! I thought it was great (and Patrick Ness talked about this when I met him) that we had a gay protagonist and it really wasn't a big deal. Often in a book if a character is gay then that is the main focus on the book and it changes everything but here it was different we had a dystopian book where the lead protagonist just so happened to be gay. In some ways Seth being gay was what made this not a romance book because it meant there wasn't a chance of him falling for Regine and lets face it I didn't see him swooning over Tomasz. I thought it started to get a bit repetitive towards the end and the kept killing the driver then he kept coming back to life. When I went to the signing he talked about the importance of the last line in a book and I have to say that the last line in More Than This was spiffing. I will be back shortly with a review of Withering Tights by Louise Rennison. Love Always, Freya

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Clockwork Princess Review!

*SPOILERS* Please scroll quickly past if you do not want to be spoiled for Clockwork Princess. So the prologue begins at the Yorkshire institute and Adele is about to have her first runes placed on her by the silent brothers but when they place their steles upon her forearm she tips her head back and screams. I found this scene to be quite shocking and I was desperate to learn more and I kept thinking about it until my questions were answered later in the book. I thought a particularly humorous moment was when Gabriel barged into the institute and was saying “Father is a worm” then Will replies with “I'm glad you have finally come to our view of things but this is a rather odd way of announcing it” (this quote is not taken strait from the book but from my memory of the book) I thought Cecily was really bad ass when she jumped on top of the demon and stabbed it with her seraph blade and I thought it gave us a really good idea of her character right from the start. I thought it was nice to see the letters sent between the council and the consul so you knew something that all of the main characters didn't. When the silent brothers brought Jessamine back from the silent city and there was the big battle with the automatons I loved the character Bridget and I thought it was a shame that we didn't get to see a lot of her. Did anyone else notice that both Ceily and Gabriel let out breaths they didn't know they were holding? You may be surprised to know that I did not cry when Jem died (GASP) because all though the cord snapped and Will started bleeding from his parabati rune I somehow knew he must be still alive somehow. When Gabriel and Cecily first kissed in the stables I thought it was really sweet how Celicly says “five” and then repeats what what Gabriel said to her in the training room. I was so relieved when Will finally found each other and I thought the scene when Magnus found them was hilarious. Speaking of which how cool was it that Henry and Magnus built the first portals? I thought it was quite cool how in City of Glass when he was making a portal for the New York shadowhunters to get to Idris he didn't think to mention that he helped invent it. OOH and just before Magnus found Will and Tessa she saw that her angel had made a star shaped scar on him he was the start of the Herondale mark!! When we found out that Tessa's angel Iruthriel! Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the angel that Jace and Clay killed in City of Glass? In the battle in Cardir Idris when Brother Zacharia's hood falls back and it's Jem I literally said “I knew it!” out loud. It really upset me when Jem left the institute without even saying goodbye because I couldn't help thinking that it could have been better for Will if he had died as maybe it would have been easier to remember him as he was rather than to have a Jem that wasn't Jem any more. When break his ties with Will and Tessa and he left Will his yin fen box is that the box that Amatis gave Jace and Elais' sword the dagger inside it? Since Clockwork Prince I had been befuddled to how Church had ended up in New York and of course it was Magnus! But what are your Church theories? A warlock cat perhaps? Now let's take a moment to think about that epilogue. I thought it was a bit like then end of the last merlin episode as it's set in the present day. I cried so much when she talked about Will's death I don't know why but somehow I thought he would be immortal. I was quite surprised though when he wasn't a silent brother anyomore. I cried even more when she said he wasn't immortal any more I mean seriously will her relationships ever last? I would aslso like to second Christine form PolandBananas20's thoughts where she said that Cassandra Clare was really clever to leave a cliff hanger in the last book of one series for the last book in her other series. I would love to hear all your thoughts on Clockwork Princess so shoot me an email or leave a comment! Love Always, Freya

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

My Favourite BookTuber!

I a stranger came up to me in the street and demanded to know of my favourite booktuber I would probably give him a funny look and then say "katytastic" You may be wondering why on earth I am telling you this that is because if I share one of Kat's videos a get a few extra entries. So here is one of my personal favourite videos:

Friday, 4 October 2013

Endless by Amanda Gray- Review

This was a book I got of I didn't request it, it was one anybody could read. This novel was very fast paced (as it says on the cover) which was great because I can't stand slow moving novels. I requested this book purely because of the pretty cover which as always has absolutely nothing to to with the story. Sometimes I felt there was no lead up to something happening and you'd just have this very convenient character slowly explain everything through out so the main characters didn't actually do that much finding out themselves.I loved how the writer gave you a very clear idea off the setting and characters so you could understand what was going on.The character development was very good and so was the structure of the story. I gave it 4 stars (out of 5) Love Always, Freya

Sunday, 29 September 2013

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Monday, 26 August 2013

Did I succeeded in Bout of Books 8.0?

So, I have just done some final calculations for Bout of Books so this is how many pages I read each day.
Day 1: 106
Day 2: 94
Day 3: 97
Day 4: 197
Day 5: 0
Day 6: 106
Day 7: 166
In total I read 766 pages
On average per day that is 109.4285714...
So I accomplished my goal and I am very pleased how did everyone elsee do?
Love Always,

Bout of Books Days 6&7

This is my last Bout of Books UPDATE post I will tell you my averages later! So on Saturday I read 106 pages of City of Fallen Angels and on Sunday I read 112 pages of that same book finishing it, I then read 64 pages of Clockwork Prince making that day's total 166 pages.
Love Always,

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Bout of Books Days 4&5

On Thursday (day 4) I read 197 pages of City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare which makes up for on Friday (day 5) not doing any reading at all because I went to the see City of Bones and then my friends slept at my house. Today (day 6) I'm trying to read as much as possible so I can make my page average nice and high and finish City of Fallen Angels!
Love Always,

Thursday, 22 August 2013

My Book Roadtrip

So for this challenge you had to chose some places you wanted to go to band find some books that would take you there.
Russia- The Wolf Princess
Japan- Deathnote
Manhattan- City of Bones
Switzerland- Tender is The Night
Rio- Breaking Dawn (although they're only there for a few pages)
So that was the places I would like to go and the books that have/could take me there
Love Always,

Bout of Books Days 2&3

I have changed my goal of 150 pages per day to 100 pages because this week is a busy one for me so I don't have massive amounts of time for reading. On Tuesday I read 94 pages of Alice and on Wednesday I read 97 of City of Fallen Angels. I am putting off reading Alice for a while because... Cassandra Clare!
Love Always,

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bout of Books Day 1

So I'm trying to read an average of 150 pages per day and yesterday I read 106. So I'm a bit behind. I have been reading the last few chapters of Clockwork Angel and I finished! I'm moving onto Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Love Always,

Bout of Books Day 2 Challenge- Rename It!

I'm renaming "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll
Rename- "Alice Meets The Weirdos"
Love Always,

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

I'm participating in Bout of Books!

Hi Guys!
It's not long until Bout of Book 8.0 begins and this time I will be participating! I have never done this one before so it will be very exiting. I will make a later post telling you about my TBR and goals.
Love Always,

Monday, 12 August 2013

Paper Aeroplanes Review

Paper Aeroplanes by Dawn O'Porter.
This book was lent to me by a friend and I'm so happy she did I read it in a day and I was gripped through out. It follows the lives of two girls, Renee and Flo. It was girly yet, not the whole boys and make-up obsessed kind of girly. It was about friendship and growing up, finding your-self. I loved reading as such an unlikely friendship grew and turned into something, and it was truthful the girls had there unsorted family issues and there worries. It was quite a mature story with some sexual content so I wouldn't give it to your little sister. When you were reading the scenes about Flo and Renee hanging out after school you felt the urge to send a paper aeroplane to your friend saying "chips after school?" The characters were all great and I gave it four out of five stars. I didn't give it five because it could have been written better.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Books I'm Taking On Holiday!

City of Glass- Cassandra Clare. The third book in the mortal instruments series. Hopefully I will have read a good amount of this before I fly over to Germany tomorrow. I read City of Ashes (book two) a few weeks ago and I had to have a break from this series for a read-a-thon.
Paper Aeroplanes- Dawn O'Porter. My friend bought this a whilst ago and absolutely loved it. She was so obsessed that she made my friend, Imogen, read it. Imogen finsihed it in one day and they both love it so much and they want me to join the excitement of this book. I'm not completely sure what it's about but from what I've heard it's about these two girls in year eleven and it's a story of friendship.
A Brighter Fear- Kerry Drewery
I was in Waterstones with my brother and he was looking at the buy one get one half price table and spotted this. He asked me if it looked any good so I read the blurb and decided it was my type of book, so I bought it. It's about a girl who is growing up in bad circumstances. The blurb also said something about a lost necklace that might still be found (yeah I'm great at describing books)

These are all the books I'm planning to read but knowing me my TBR pile will change completely. I will review Paper Aeroplanes and A Brighter Fear and if you like City of Glass.